Anti Spamming Policy
Please read the below Anti Spamming Policy carefully before purchasing WSTool Pro.
We are against SPAM and we help to prevent it
WSTool Pro policy on SPAM is crystal clear: we are completely against SPAM or junk messages. If, at any time, a client or legal person manages to send any sort of SPAM through our services, the case will be duly investigated and punished.
Prevent SPAM. Useful advice before sending a message
To prevent SPAM and its implied consequences, before sending a message verify that your proceedings comply with the following principles:
- Your registries have not been made based on purchased or rented lists. - In your registry list there are no generic or suspicious numberings. - Your registry list is updated and does not contain numbers from people who have subscribed long ago. - Your messages are only addressed to people who have given you their express permission to send them notifications. - The unsubscribing system works correctly. - The message does not contain false or erroneous information. WSTool Pro is a company focused on permission marketing having all the necessary tools, in terms of development and control to prevent your company from incurring in any of the vices that could make it suspicious of generating SPAM.
We Don't Do
WhatsApp Spamming, WhatsApp Automation Messages.